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6 unique codes

Native Symbola [1] Code UTF‑8 UTF‑16 LE Surrogates Name Cat Block
💛 💛 1F49B F0 9F 92 9B 3D D8 9B DC D83D DC9B YELLOW HEART So Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
💙 💙 1F499 F0 9F 92 99 3D D8 99 DC D83D DC99 BLUE HEART So Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
💜 💜 1F49C F0 9F 92 9C 3D D8 9C DC D83D DC9C PURPLE HEART So Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
💚 💚 1F49A F0 9F 92 9A 3D D8 9A DC D83D DC9A GREEN HEART So Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
2764 E2 9D A4 64 27 HEAVY BLACK HEART So Dingbats
FE0F EF B8 8F 0F FE VARIATION SELECTOR-16 Mn Variation Selectors

3 Unicode blocks:

Name Range Chart
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs 1F300-1F5FF PDF
Dingbats 2700-27BF PDF
Variation Selectors FE00-FE0F PDF